Membership of Ju-Jitsu Danmark and graduation

To participate in certain trainings (e.g. courses, joint trainings and summercamp) or be graduated (go to examination), you need to be a member of Ju-Jitsu Danmark under DJU.

Ju-Jitsu Denmark provides a solid grant for these events, provides judge and instructor training, prepares syllabi (test requirements) and everything else that is needed to have a basis for our training and development. This is supported via the Danish Sports Confederation (DIF) and here we must be members.

There is a link below for registration and payment.

It costs DKK 200 a year to be a member. This must be renewed every year in the month of August.
The club pays for a license book to register e.g. graduations or participation in courses and trainings and is then your property in the future.

For the individual graduation, DKK 175 must be paid for Kyu degrees (white to brown belt) and DKK 600 for Dan degrees (black belt). In addition, there may be transport costs for the judge (s).

These expenses are covered by the individual participant in addition to the membership fee to the club.

- Ordering membership in Ju-Jitsu Denmark