The start of the season
It might be a bit monotonous to read, but we're off to a good start again this year, thanks to all our members, including you. The training sessions are well attended. It's very encouraging for our instructors to see lots of participants on the mat every time.
The new season has already welcomed several new members.
However, it's still worth mentioning that your membership fee covers training both Tuesday and Thursday and every week, or in other words, even though there are many of us on the mat already, we still want to see you at every training session.

Peter B has Tuesdays and Peter R has Thursdays. Anika supplements with karate at regular intervals. Around mid-season, Simon takes over Tuesdays. You can find an overview of the instructor distribution on the Trainer overview.

City tour in Aarhus
On 22 February, we're going on a city tour. It's for everyone who has the time and desire. We find a place to get something to eat and then we go to Thorkilds to start the evening. They owe us a round of pints. As usual, everything is at your own expense.
Expect us to start around 6pm and finish when the last people go home. It will be possible to spend the night in the Dojo if you have too far to walk home.
Write to and sign up now. More information about the location will follow when we have everything in place.

Joint training in Rødovre
There's a group training session on Saturday 22 February for anyone who wants to join. There is training from 10-15.
You can sign up on the DJU portal.
You can find the invitation at Rødovre Fællestræning.
If you're up for it, you can make both the group training in Rødovre and the city tour in Aarhus 🙂

Kata and group training with Ju-Jutsu
Held on 1 and 2 March in Holbæk Budo School's great facilities.
Saturday is for kata training. Primarily Ebo-no kata which is part of the curriculum for orange belt (4th kyu) and above.
Sunday will be a ground fight and then defence techniques from both Ju-Jutsu and Jiu-Jitsu with instructors from Ju-Jitsu Denmark.
Invitations can be found on Kata training and Fælles Training.
There's every reason to sign up for this course, apart from the fact that it's compulsory for everyone who expects to graduate. Everyone gets something to take home.

Registration is done on the DJU portal. Please note that you must sign up for each day individually and also remember to sign up for catering.
Remember that we are part of Aarhus Judo Club when you need to find yourself at registration.

If it's your first time at a camp, you can find practical information at practical information about camps.

50th Anniversary in Gentofte
On Saturday 3 May, Gentofte Budoklub is holding its 50th anniversary training. It will be held at Holbæk Budo School's premises, so there is room for everyone and the possibility of overnight accommodation. Invitation will follow when we have it. Event on Facebook

Transport to events
For all events, we try to do as much as possible in shared transport for the sake of both economy and nature. Once we have an overview of how many people are coming, we'll find out about shared transport out and home again.

Membership of Ju-Jitsu Denmark.
To participate in the above, you must be a member of Ju-Jitsu Denmark.
You become a member by signing up at Ju-Jitsu enrolment if you have not already done so.
Everyone active in Aarhus Jiu-Jitsu must be a member, as we have previously written about! This also applies to you.
Get it done now so that it's in place for everyone before we reach mid-February.

Summer camp
In 2025, the summer camp will be held in Fredericia in week 27. It will once again be a great event with lots of training, socialising, activities and other fun.
Tick off the whole week now, so you don't accidentally put some other nonsense in that week.
Invitation will be sent out as soon as we have it.

Self-defence for women
We have started a new class with training every Thursday from the end of January until April. The class filled up in no time and the waiting list for the next round is already bigger than we can have for the next class, which we expect to start in August 2025.
The first training session again promises to be a good programme. There's laughter and activity where everyone gets a workout.
The programme is slightly different this time in the actual order. We expect it to be even more beneficial for the participants.

With sporting greetings

Peter, Peter, Valerii, Anika and Simon
Aarhus Jiu-Jitsu and Self Defence