
Graduation (test) for belts follows the requirements of Jiu-Jitsu Denmark under DJU (Danish Judo and Ju-Jitsu Union). This also means that you must be a member of DJU and that you pay an amount for the test to DJU. This goes to cover referee training and administration, among other things.

Curriculum requirements can be found on the Ju-Jitsu Denmark website. Here you will also find regulations and how to present it. You will also find a table with suggestions for dangerous points and their dangerousness.

There are also examples of graduation for the first degrees (5th Kyu / yellow belt and 4th Kyu / orange belt). We have included them below. The examples are shown by instructors, so don't be confused by the fact that they are wearing black belts. The graduations are complete examples of graduation to the respective belts. Of course, the techniques can be completely different, but a graduation is done in this way.

You can find further examples of techniques on JiuJitsuTeknik's website and on our federation's YouTube channel