Thursday 5 September, we start a Self-defence course for women
For the first time in Aarhus

There are no places available on the course. We have registrations from 16 participants.
This also means that we will complete the course as planned. See you later.
All registered participants will also be notified directly.

The background

Unfortunately, there is rarely a long gap between media reports of attempts to exploit or assault women. With this in mind, we have chosen to create a specific team that focuses on women and the special circumstances surrounding everyday situations, domestic conditions and direct assaults that apply to them. For example, clothing, strength and size, which will often create special conditions.

The will to self-defence

Have you considered whether you are willing or able to defend yourself if you are attacked, whether it is violent or "just" too close?

- Is it worth it to resist?

- When am I allowed to resist?

- Can I do anything at all that will work?

- Where is my limit and how should I mark it?

This course will give you some tools and techniques to deal with a situation where you feel you've been approached, threatened or directly assaulted.


The course is aimed at anyone who needs to feel safer and wants to have a way out of an assault situation.

The course is aimed at women aged 16 years and older.

It can be an advantage to sign up with a friend or other partner. There will be physical contact on the course, and it can be uncomfortable for some to experience it with a complete stranger. This shouldn't stop anyone from signing up, but it's worth thinking about it before the course.

How to sign up

Sign up for the Self Defence for Women course below. Enrolment is only binding after payment of the course fee. You will receive an email with practical information about the course, time, location and payment upon registration.

Enrol now. You can wait to pay for the course until the last registration deadline of 25 August 2024. It's best to get the registrations in quickly so that we can see that the course will take place. Then the payment can follow later.

We will have a maximum of 16 participants in the class. The course will run when there are at least 10 enrolments.


The course is held over 12 Thursdays from 16.30 - 17.45 from Thursday 5 September 2024 up to and including Thursday 21 November 2024.

We train at Aarhus Jiu-Jitsu's premises at Finlandsgade 25, 8200 Aarhus N.


Tracksuit (preferably with long sleeves), t-shirt and trousers or other practical clothing you can move around in. You'll need to be able to tolerate a few rips and tears, so it's not the newest and most favourite thing you'll be wearing.

About Simon

Simon has been practising Jiu-Jitsu, self-defence and martial arts since 1978 and holds 6. Dan (sixth degree black belt). He has primarily trained Jiu-Jitsu throughout the years, but also karate, judo, aikido and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Simon is a style instructor (a kind of national coach) for Ju-Jitsu Denmark, which is the main organisation for Jiu-Jitsu and Ju-Jutsu clubs in Denmark. He teaches at summer camps, coaching courses, weekend training sessions and many other events. Simon has a trainer licence A, highest level, in the Danish Sports Confederation's trainer house and teaches the practical part of the course for new instructors.

About Anika

Anika has 3. Dan (third degree black belt) in Shotokan Karate and has practised martial arts since 2008. She is a former European Champion in Karate (free-fighting) (2015, 2016, 2017), and has been 3rd at the World Championships (2016).

Anika has primarily practised karate, but has now switched to Jiu-Jitsu, supplemented with Judo and MMA. Anika has been a karate instructor since 2011 and a self-defence instructor since 2019, where she has taught at Rudersdal and Gladsaxe Youth School.


Course content

We will work on dealing with typical threats and defences against attacks (e.g. attempted strangulation, rape and beatings). We'll also deal with drunk and overly touchy Uncle Preben at the family party and Kurt boss with the slightly too touchy hands. We also need to work on avoiding or downplaying a situation so that attack and defence can be avoided altogether.

The best results are achieved by practising a few effective techniques. The selected techniques are practised in pairs against selected attacks. There will be techniques against attacks from the front, back, prone and standing. The techniques will be primarily based on gross motor movements, so you can also perform them when you get scared or excited.

The course does not require great strength, agility or fitness. It is designed to be for anyone who feels the need to defend themselves. We warm up at each session, so there will be a little sweat on the forehead.

A view on the law in Denmark ("nødværgeretten") is part of the course. You'll learn when you can defend yourself and what you can and cannot do in a given situation.


Registration is only valid when payment has been received by Aarhus Jiu-Jitsu.

You can pay on mobilpay 30 40 13 08, Simon Bank. The course costs DKK 600,-. Remember to enter the same name as stated in the enrolment form.

If the course does not start (e.g. due to insufficient enrolment), the paid amount will be refunded in full.

After the course has started, no deposit will be refunded even if you do not complete the course, regardless of the reason for non-completion.

The deadline for payment is 25 August 2024.

If you have any further questions, you are welcome to call Simon on 30 40 13 08 or write to

Testimonials from previous participants

Thought it was a fantastic course! Would definitely recommend it to other women.

It has been a great and positive experience. Julie looks forward to every Monday and would like to continue training both before and after summer. Simon is great at explaining and showing the exercises. He's also brave and kind. He takes care and makes sure we don't get hurt.

I've learnt a lot of great techniques and it's been a really good experience. I can't put a finger on the course


Testimonials are from courses held by Simon elsewhere in the country.